Abbreviations Form 78 & 1180

Abbreviations commonly used on Air Ministry Forms 78 (Aircraft Movement Cards) 1180 (Accident Record Cards)

43 Grp D/A 43 Group Deposit Account - a list of aircraft awaiting - or undergoing - repair or modification.
AACU Anti-Aircraft Co-operation Unit
AAP Aircraft Acceptance Park
A/C Aircraft

ACSEA Air Command South East Asia
ADU Aircraft Delivery Unit
AEF Air Experience Flight
AFS Advanced Flying School
AGS Air Gunnery School
ANS Air Navigation School
ASS Air Signals School
ASU Aircraft Storage Unit
ATFERO Atlantic Ferry Organisation
AW/CN Awaiting Collection
AGT Airwork and General Trading – a firm undertaking work as part of the Civilian Repair Organisation
AST Air Service Training -
BATF Beam/Blind Approach Training Flight
BBOC Brought Back On Charge
BCBS Bomber Command Bombing School
BDTF Bomber Defence Training Flight
BFTS Basic Flying Training School
BGS Bombing & Gunnery School
CF Communication Flight
Conversion Flight
CFS Central Flying School
CGS Central Gliding School
Central Gunnery School
(C) OTU (Coastal) Operational Training Unit
CRO Civilian Repair Organisation
CRP Contractor’s Repair Party
CS(A) Controller of Supply (Aircraft)
DBF Destroyed by Fire
DBR Damaged Beyond Repair
E/F Engine Failure
EAAS Empire Air Armament School
ECFS Empire Central Flying School
EFTS Elementary Flying Training School
E&RFTS Elementary & Reserve Flying Training School
FA Flying Accident
FB Flying Battle
FBSU Flying Boat Servicing Unit
FEAF Far East Air Force
FIS Fighter Instructors School
F/L Forced Landing
FTFlt Ferry Training Flight
FTS Flying Training School
FTU Ferry Training Unit
FRU Fleet Requirements Unit
GAL General Aircraft Limited - part of the CRO
GR General Reconnaissance
GSU Group (or Ground) Support Unit
HCU Heavy Conversion Unit
HGCU Heavy Glider Conversion Unit
HTCU Heavy Transport Conversion Unit
IFTS Initial Flying Training School
MCU Mosquito Conversion Unit
Meteorological Conversion Unit
MEAF Middle East Air Force
MSFU Merchant Ship Fighter Unit
MU Maintenance Unit
NEA Non-Effective Airframe
OADF/U Overseas Aircraft Delivery Flight/Unit
(O)AFU (Observer) Advanced Flying Unit
OCU Operational Conversion Unit
OTU Operational Training Unit
(P)AFU (Pilot) Advanced Flying Unit
PATP Packed Aircraft Transit Pool
RAAA Repaired and Awaiting Allocation
RFS Reserve flying School
RIW Repaired in works
RNDA Royal Navy Deposit Account
ROS Repaired on site
RS Radio School
RSU Repair & Salvage Unit
SFTS Service Flying Training School
SOC Struck Off Charge
SoTT School of Technical Training
Sqd Squadron
Sqn Squadron
UAS University Air Squadron
U/S Unserviceable
VGS Volunteer Gliding School
WFU Withdrawn from use
WS Wireless School

Damage Categories

Before 1941

Cat. U Undamaged
Cat. M(u) Capable of being repaired on site by the operating unit
Cat. M(c) Beyond the unit’s capacity to repair
Cat. R(B) Repair on site is not possible; the aircraft must be dismantled and sent to a repair facility
Cat. W Write-off

1941 - 1952

Cat. U Undamaged
Cat. A Aircraft can be repaired on site
Cat. Ac Repair is beyond the unit capacity, but can be repaired on site by another unit or a contractor)

Cat. B Beyond repair on site, but repairable at a Maintenance Unit or at a contractor’s works
Cat. C Allocated to Instructional Airframe duties (for ground training)
Cat E Write-off
Cat. E1 Write-off, but considered suitable for component recovery
Cat. E2 Write-off and suitable only for scrap
Cat. E3 Burnt out
Cat. Em Missing from an operational sortie (Missing aircraft were categorised ‘Em’ after 28 days)

Key Card information Form 1180 Accident Report Cards

Initially the F1180 Card had plain edges and coding for statistical analysis was given on the reverse as letter then number.

The breakdown is:-

T - Taxying Phase

T1 - Bad Surface of aerodrome

T2 - Hitting Obstructions

T3 - Hitting other aircraft

T4 - Harsh use of brakes

T5 - U/c drill

T5a - U/c drill at end of landing run

T6 - Various errors

T7 - Airframe defects

T8 - Misc causes

T9 - Unknown or not determined


O - Take off phase

O1 - U/c retracted too soon

O3a - Hit another aircraft

O3b - Hit Obstruction

O3c - Loss of control

O3d - Other errors

O4 - Other causes

O4a - Other causes , Airframe defect

O4b - Other causes, Misc

O5 - Unknown or not yet determined

O13d - Swing

F - Flight Phase

F1a - Unauthorised low flying or aerobatics

F1b - Loss of control in good visibility

F3 - Loss of control in bad visibility (cloud etc)

F4 - Flying into ground, sea or high ground in bad visibility

F7a - Other errors, Collisions

F7b - Other Errors , others

F8a - Other causes airframe defects

F8b - Other causes Miscellaneous

F9 - Unknown or not yet determined



L - Landing Phase

L1 - Overshot

L1a - Overshot flaps up

L1b - Overshot, others

L1c - Overshot - U/c damaged - U/c collapsed

L2 - Undershot

L3al - Pilot error forgot

L3ai - Pilot error remembered but did not operate correctly

L3b - Technical Defect

L3c - Not known whether 3a or 3b

L6 - Heavy landing

L6a - Heavy landing, hit other aircraft except after overshoot etc

L6b - heavy landing , hit obstructions

L7 - Swing

L8a - With drift

L9 - Errors other specified

L9a - Loss Control


L - Landing Phase cont:

L9b - Others

L10 - Errors not specified

L11 - Rough surface

L12 - Other Causes

L12a - Airframe defects

L12b - Misc

L13 - Unknown not yet determined

L14 - Engine failure of take off, subsequent error by pilot

L15 - Engine failure on take off, others

L16 - Engine failed in flight, subsequent error by pilot

L17 - Engine failure in flight, others

L18 - Engine failed during landing, subsequent error by pilot

L19 - Engine failed during landing , others

L20 - Engine failed subsequent error by pilot

L21 - Engine failed, others

L22a - Forced landing , bad Weather

L22b - Forced landing, lost , bad Weather

L22c - Forced landing, lost, bad Weather, fuel shortage

L22d - Forced landing, bad Weather, fuel shortage

L23a - Forced landing , Lost

L23b - Forced landing , Lost , Fuel shortage

L23c - Forced landing , Fuel shortage


S or M - Stationary

S1 or M1- U/c maloperated on stationary aircraft

S2 or M2 - Others

F1180 key card data  AHB(RAF)